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Or enter the folder URL in one of the following formats:<folder id><folder id>
Leave it empty or type root
if you want to use main folder of your Google Drive.
Click on the Select account button. If you logged in before you can select your account from the list. If you want to add a new account click on the Get auth button, follow the steps on screen, copy authorization code, paste it to the input field and press Continue.
After logging in you will see your name, email and free space on your drive listed in the first box. Click on the Switch button to switch to another account.
The second box lets you manage files on your drive. Click on the Select button to choose the destination folder for copied files. Click on the Reload button to load list of your files in this folder again.
Select some files and press Share to copy their public links - this is useful if you're using JDownloader for downloading files. Click on the Delete or Trash buttons to remove files completely or move them to the trash.
Paste encrypted folder ID or a normal folder link to the input field in the third box and press Load.
Click on the .MD5 button to download MD5 hashsums for all listed files. Select some files and press Copy to copy them to your drive.
If you're just downloading files - use a dummy acc. Copy files to your drive, download them and then delete from your drive.
If you want to store files on your main account - open two tabs. In the first tab log into your dummy account and use encrypted folder ID to copy files to dummy account. In second tab log into your main account and use folder link from the dummy account to copy files from dummy account to your main one.
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If you like this project you can donate to me (person who made this page/script, not the person who shared the encrypted folder!). You can send Amazon Gift Cards or anything else you want to .